Buffy's Bulletin

Need a tasty treat to celebrate a birthday or a special occasion? Our Buff Chick Chef, JamaRR --@pancakegawd-- has created just that! A donut using our Birthday Cake Vegan Protein dipped in some icing and sprinkles. Of course, his recipes come protein-packed to help you reach your goals while enjoying something delicious!
Vegan Birthday Donuts
MACROS (per donut, makes 6 donuts):
206 calories
10g protein
18g carbs
10g fat
2 scoops of Buff Chick Birthday Cake Vegan
220g of sweet potato, mashed
70g of all-purpose flour
113g of unsweetened applesauce
½ cup of sugar substitute
60ml of almond milk
60g of vegetable oil
1 ½ tsp of baking powder
1tsp salt
1tsp of vanilla extract (optional)
4tbsp of birthday sprinkles (mixed in or added to top icing)
50g of powdered sugar or substitute (swerve)
Splash of milk of choice
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
In a food processor, mix all the ingredients and blend until batter is thick and smooth.
If no food processor is available use a large bowl, and mix up all the dry ingredients to avoid clumping.
In a separate bowl, whisk together all of the liquid ingredients. It's okay if it's not a completely smooth mixture.
Add the liquid mixture into the large bowl with the dry ingredients, and use a silicone spatula to mix it all up until you have a smooth batter.
Spray a donut pan with nonstick butter spray and fill your molds.
The batter is pretty thick, so a helpful tip is to fill a ziploc bag with batter and squeeze batter into molds or spoon the mixture into the mold and then dip your fingers in cold water to use your fingers to evenly spread the batter around. The batter will be sticky if your fingers aren't wet!
Add to the oven and bake for 27-30 minutes. While those are in the oven, make the icing by whisking together all of the icing ingredients. You'll want to add a splash of milk at a time while mixing. If you add too much at once, you will have a thin and loose icing.
Remove the donuts from the oven and let them cool for 10-15 minutes.
Dip donuts into icing and add sprinkles. Enjoy or set in the fridge and enjoy later.
Note: Cooking time is subject to change based on the individual oven, type of baking dish or any substitutions.

If you whip up this delicious recipe, don't forget to post it on Instagram and tag us @buffchicksupplements!