Buff Chick Supplements are BSCG Certified
Drug Free

Buff Chick Supplements are manufactured in cGMP certified and FDA registered facilities in the US. Beyond manufacturing, all supplements undergo registration, testing, and certification with BSCG.
BSCG (Banned Substances Control Group) is a leading independent third-party dietary supplement certification provider. Each and every batch of our supplements are tested, which you can always verify on the BSCG website.

The BSCG Certified Drug Free third-party certification program for banned substances offers the broadest protection available in the nutrition industry to athletes and everyday consumers. Their gold-standard testing menu covers 276 banned substances in sport, as well as 220 prescription, over-the-counter, and illicit drugs that no other third-party group covers.
BSCG tests for drugs on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List and other sport and military drug-testing banned substance lists as well as compounds the U.S. FDA has identified in their tainted supplement list.

BSCG is an international leader in third-party certification and is acknowledged by the following groups; UFC, NBA, LPGA, NIH-ODS, the Department of Defense Operation Supplement Safety (OPSS), USOC Sports Nutrition, CrossFit, Drug Free Sport, USA Triathlon, Sports Nutrition and Dietitians Japan (SNDJ), Anti-Doping Authority Netherlands, High Performance Sport New Zealand, New Zealand Defense Force Health, Canadian Sport Institute, IMG Academy, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.